As you might have gleaned from the video, I encountered All The Problems. Good times. Fun stuff. BUT, I got there in the end.
And if you follow the pattern and the turning sequences, you should be JUST FINE…

Once you have this warped up–double check your work–you will separate your cards into two packs. All the odd numbered cards in one pack, and all the even numbered cards in another. The exception being that card #19 will be with the even numbered pack.
Place your weft thread into the shed with the tail hanging out on the right side, and the shuttle on the right. All cards should be in the AD position on the top.
- Turn all the odd numbered cards forward (except 19, of course). Pass the shuttle to the right.
- Turn all the even numbered cards forward (including 19). Pass the shuttle to the left.
That’s it. Repeat until your warp is over-twisted. To reverse the twist, follow this sequence:
- Loosen your tension and flip all the cards so S are Z and vice-versa.
- Tighten your tension and separate your cards into two packs, like before: a set of odds and a set of evens.
- Move card #1 into the evens pack, and #19 back to the odds pack.
- Turn all the EVEN numbered cards forward (including card #1). Pass the shuttle to the right.
- Turn all the ODD numbered cards forward (excluding #1). Pass the shuttle to the left.
- Repeat 4 and 5 until the warp is over-twisted again.
To reverse again, you need to make one additional change before flipping your cards. Do two more quarter turns (one quarter turn for each pack), so that AB are at the top. Then loosen your tension, flip your cards, move 1 to the odd pack and 19 to the even pack. Begin weaving starting with the ODD pack.