One thought on “image”

  1. I recently was able to purchase an Inkle loom for less than half of the retail price. I was excited to add this to my textile tools. So then began the hunt for patterns and techniques on using it. On my journey I came across Elewys’ YouTube channel which introduced me to the art of Tablet weaving. I wanted to weave a wide belt for my daughter-in-law for Christmas and settled on the Birka 22. I am using 8/4 warping cotton. I adjusted the repeat on the warp based on the EPI. Maybe a little ambitious for a beginner on the Inkle and Tablet weaving (first project), but loving it! The results so far are beautiful. As I have watched through most of the videos, my only encouragement is to possibly cover how to make the adjustments for the EPI based on choice of yarn/thread. It is only because of my weaving on other looms that I understood I needed to calculate this in order to get the width for the belt I wanted to make. Other than that, I love the inclusion of History and authenticity of the patterns and materials. Your experience and depth of knowledge are evident! Thanks for sharing.

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